2022/06/20 3

Determinant of Square Matrix and Eigenvalue Problem

인공지능 알고리즘을 알아내는 핵심 Process - 주어진 input과 output에서 어떠한 matrix를 찾아내는가!! SVM - Eigenvalue, Eigenvector!! Determinant of a square matrix - The elements aij of the matrix A can be used to compute a number called the determinant of A . - denoted det(A) or |A| For a starting point, our approach is to define det(A) in terms of determinants of smaller matrices. - The smallest square matrix one can find is..

Diagonalisation problem & Applications

We are now going to diagonalise a square matrix The problem of diagonalising a matrix may be stated as: - Given an NxN matrix A, can we find an invertible NxN matrix P and an NxN diagonal matrix D such that - A = PDP^(−1) - The task of diagonalising A is simply to find matrices P and D such that A can be written as PDP^(−1) - Not all square matrices can be diagonalised.!! Condition of diagonalis..

Week 3 : Low operation and Linear Combination

Solve Inverse matrix as soon as possible inverse matrix를 0.01초라도 빨리 풀게 된다면, 시스템의 solution을 빨리 구할 수 있기 때문에 예를 들어, 주식 시장을 예측한다와 같이 돈이 되는 일들에 대해서 inverse matrix를 얼마나 빨리 푸는 알고리즘을 개발을 하느냐가 아주 큰 관건이다.----> 응용수학과에서 많이 하는 연구! Consistent Vs Inconsistent - Determinant = 0 ---> Inconsistent System --> No solution or infinite solutions - Determinant ≠ 0 ---> Consistent System --> Unique solution 특히 Upper Tr..